
Hey, I’m Kercia (pronounced like ker-sha, in case you were wondering) and I’m the lady behind the name. I am a designer and artist and wanna-be Broadway performer, who has never stepped on stage and can’t carry a tune. But a girl can dream, right?

True story: I feel in love with design because of scrapbooking. I have had a thing for fun patterns, inspiring colors, cute stickers, and creative layouts since I was twelve years old. Today, my affinity for these things has only grown and I love to incorporate them into what I create today.



a little bit about



Ever since I was little, I loved creating. I even remember telling my daycare provider that when I grow up I am going to be an artist. And look at that. Here we are years later and I get to create every day for living — how crazy amazing is that! 

It wasn’t that easy, though. There were many a day that I deep down believed that I wasn’t good enough or worthy enough to follow that creative calling in my heart. My doubts, fears, and insecurities roared at me every time I picked up a pencil or paintbrush or camera. Diagnosis: Impostor Syndrome.

But here’s the thing that I believe through and through, no matter what: I was put on this earth with a specific purpose to use my gifts I have been given to love people; to create good; to encourage and inspire. It’s simple: I was created to create.


And guess what? I believe that about you too. And that’s why I am so passionate about helping others fulfill their wildest dreams. I fully believe that we were put here on earth to love and help one another and that connection and collaboration create incredible things.

It’s why I love working with passionate business owners on a mission to bring good into the world. It’s why I love creating meaningful art that encourages and inspires and reminds us to keep going and doing the hard work of showing up for our yourself and our dreams.

So, let’s get one thing straight: You matter. Your dreams matter. You are worthy and capable exactly how you are, exactly how you are. You are loved and I am already cheering you on like crazy!



  • Swimming

  • Vintage Rugs

  • Golden Hour

  • Perfectly Styled Bookshelves

  • Flowers. Obviously.


P.S. If any of these resonate with you, we’re already BFFs. So you should totally come say hello.